What is “The Movement?”

The Movement is our purposeful, sustained, and Gospel-centered initiative that propels us to preach, teach, and live the principles of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
We’re guided by our vision to proclaim Christ and equip the saints in the bond of fellowship. We’d love to share how our core values of worship, discipleship, service and evangelism will transform your relationship with God and humanity.
Pastor Elder Jerry Seawright has developed six goals along with action plans that will help provide tangible and transformational evidence of our engagement in The Movement.

Goal #1

Identify and be in position to purchase or lease another church by January 2019
Action Plans
  1. The Pastor will select a church exploratory committee consisting of representatives from Board of Elders, Executive Board, and general membership no later than April 30, 2017.
  2. The church exploratory committee will distribute and review congregational survey no later than
    May 31, 2017.
  3. The church exploratory committee will identify and talk to realtor about possible church locations no later than May 31, 2017.

Goal #2

Identify, evaluate, and propose changes for financial and building infrastructure of current church by December 2017
Action Plans
  1. The church will increase giving by at least 20% each quarter for the remainder of 2017, starting in April.
  2. The trustees will review and streamline current giving, quality control, and financial reporting methods, providing membership with on-going updates starting May 2017.
  3. The trustees will identify, prioritize, and organize at least three building cleaning and inventory dates for the remainder of 2017.

Goal #3

Increase the number of small and large group sessions and meeting locations that meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the membership and community
Action Plans
  1. The Pastor and Christian Education Department will identify leaders who will develop an Youth Adult Group no later than May 1, 2017. Achieved on 4-2-17.
  2. The Christian Education Department will provide on-going training and curriculum support for church instruction.
  3. The Hospitality and Community Outreach Department will continually offer monthly or bi-monthly fellowship events that are all-inclusive for the church.

Goal #4

Identify, organize, and evaluate ministry opportunities that will immediately impact community presence no later than May 1, 2017
Action Plans
  1. The Hospitality & Community Outreach Department will maintain and report on follow up data for visitors and community contacts starting in April 2017.
  2. The Hospitality & Community Outreach Department will coordinate the reactivation of “Prayer on the Porch” within a four block radius of the church no later than April 30, 2017.
  3. The Hospitality & Community Outreach Department will help establish and maintain relationships within the church neighborhood by providing practical supplies and/or tokens of appreciation on an ongoing basis.

Goals #5

Increase social media participation and presence by at least 50% no later than December 31, 2017
Action Plans
  1. NLCC membership, especially staff and volunteers, is encouraged to actively use church facebook, website, and other social media but should avoid tagging NLCC on posts involving personal projects and/or personal recordings starting March 26, 2017. Achieved on 3-26-17.
  2. NLCC membership should avoid violating privacy rights about posting minors’ pictures and/or information by requesting parental permission starting March 26, 2017. Achieved on 3-26-17.
  3. The Music & Arts Department will identify and train social media team no later than April 31, 2017.
  4. The Music & Arts Department will identify and schedule volunteers to use ProPresenter software, record audio and video sermons, and maintain website and social media accounts no later than April 31, 2017.

Goal #6

Maintain and Maximize Use State-of-the-Art Sound System and Music Equipment starting March 26, 2017
Action Plans
  1. The Music & Arts Department will identify and prioritize essential upgrades that will enhance the quality and appearance of our multimedia and sound equipment no later than May 31, 2017.
  2. The Music & Arts Department will identify, sell, and use proceeds from unnecessary multimedia and sound equipment starting April 2017.